In the age of the Internet, we have all likely noticed that writers don't always use the most credible sources. Check out this excellent, entertaining websites to help students learn how to critique websites. It will take you between 5 and 10 minutes to go through the tutorial. be sure to the sound on, and use the Next button at the site to advance through the tutorial. Let us know if you think this tutorial will be helpful to use with students. Here is the URL:
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I think this presentation comparing different online sources is great. It is concise and to the point and emphasizes that not everything we hear is true. I do think this is something that teachers can show their students in each class, I also liked the links to other valuable resources it had.
Each semester I have students do a research project and the librarian comes into class and spends a considerable amount of time showing the students valid vs invalid websites. We require the students to use journal articles from a stated list. Still it is amazing with all these instructions some students still come up with some of the most interesting answers and responses and believe everything they read is true. One of the biggest problem sites we encountered is wikipedia which is now banned on our campus. It looks like all the other websites will also need close monitoring.
Prof. Arzt, what a cool way to get valuable information across...How do you find these things? I enjoyed the tutorial and I know that high school students would love it too. I also enjoyed the "You quote it, you note it" tutorial. This would be a great way to kick off a research project or webquest. In particular, I like the interactive nature of it, the way students can look at examples of plagiarism and guess which one is or is not plagiarism, and then be corrected or rewarded for their answer; the entertainment factor is also a big plus, the animation is great. I plan to email it to my daughter's social studies teacher.
I think this is great to show students before completing a research project. So many students think that if something is written down, especially online then the information has to be true. Students and people need to realize this is not true. I know I have been guilty of this a few times. I can’t wait to share this with other teachers that I work with who do a lot of research project with their students. I know they will find this helpful.
What an excellent resource for students. It is very informative and entertaining. The fact that it interactive really gets the point across and will keep the students engaged.
I am actualy going to have my 13 year old son go through the tutorial. His school's technology coordinator is responsible for assisting students in this area; however, this tutorial offers a systematic, yet simple way to determine if a source is credible. Actually it is good resource for everyone-I think we all take internet resources for granted.
I thought this was an excellent attempt at teaching students how to find credible information on the internet and that the most important thing was the way that websites were compared so that students would understand what was good and or bad about a particular site. I think that was very helpful. The information is kind of what I had in mind when I said I had seen previous examples of helping students know what's good or bad on the web. I think looking at the last date updated and trying to find an author and seeing what kind of ads there are is extremely critical. Using the librarian is also an excellent approach. It goes along with the article about writing a research paper. My problem is I do research too well on the web and am always able to find a plethora of info on my topic and then I don't know what to keep and what to throw away. I guess that is a sign of being able to fins some good sites.
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