Check this article, "Of PowerPoint and Pointlessness," and this YouTube Video, "Death by PowerPoint." Post your responses.
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Well, I for one am excited about learning PowerPoint. I give such lame presentations with PowerePoint, that I choose to use it hardly ever. I really liked the you tube presentation, it was simple, funny, and reminded me that I do not need to re-invent the wheel. I wish the article had some more specific examples but really I have seen some, I just need to learn how to make PowerPoint more interactive.
I have to agree with Travis. The You Tube presentation had me laughing and I found it very enjoyable. This should be the goal of every PowerPoint presentation. I am eager to learn how to use the program and can't wait to see how to make presenations more interactive as well. I have found some specific math examples that I was very happy with and I hope that as I become more familiar and comfortable with the program I will be able to implement its use in my own classroom successfully.
I also liked the You tube presentation. It makes you realize what a great tool PowerPoint is yet we have become so reliant on using it in a mundane way (or at least that's how I see it). I can think of many presentations when all people have down is read from the slides and cram lots of info onto one slide and all I wanted to do was fall asleep. I am looking forward to learning new skills with PowerPoint to make presentations more interesting and appealing especially to my students.
I agree with all the comments.
Power points we see on a daily basis are wordy, irrelevant and boring. This you-tube was terrific.
I am excited to learn how to better use this tool.
The You-Tube video was hilarious! I forwarded to some teachers I know. Death by PowerPoint...I'm torn when it comes to use of PowerPoint in the classroom. I've been in classes (here at SJC) where every class was conducted with a lectured PowerPoint and boy was it BORING. But then I've been in high school classrooms where its been used in a way that helps students take notes and/or helps promote discussions. I think that as long as it is used in a way that doesn't "kill" the purpose of the lesson, then PowerPoint can be a very useful tool. Like Travis, I too and excited to learn more about PowerPoint and how to use it in a purpoeful way.
I really enjoyed the article on PP, the Youtube presentation got it's point across but the music drove me crazy. For me, I enjoy using PP and seeing PP presentations. Just like a book, a movie, a tv show, a magazine, some are better than others. We saw may e PP examples in class this past week but two really stick out in my mind - the Vincent Van Gogh one and the Butterflies one. They are both unique and incorporated tools without overdoing it. I think that is the key to a good presentation -don't overdo it with graphics, words, animation, etc... Let the slide speak for itself as in the Vincent Van Gogh one where each slide was one of his paintings accompanied by music. Simple yet impactful!
This youtube video was great. I am used to powerpoint but usually only see it presenting the bulleted version of the speech that the speaker is currently given. I'm glad to have a chance to really experiment with powerpoint and realize its true potential.
I thought the youtube video, Death by PowerPoint was very informational and straightforward. It was interesting to see all the common mistakes people make when they are creating a Powerpoint. Watching this video helped me a lot when I was creating my PowerPoint presentation.
It was an interesting video because I'm sure I've made some of the same mistakes! Before taking classes at SJC, power point was just another way to give a presentation. Now I am beginning to learn the new ways to use power point. Hopefully I'll make some interesting power point slides this time.
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