Saturday, October 22, 2011

Technology Tools For Teaching & Learning

I am posting a link to a web page with categorized tools to help teachers find the right match of online tools for their students related to curricular and student needs. Surely, in looking through this list, you will find one or more sites of interest. This web page might be one you want to bookmark, save as a favorite, or add to a social bookmarking site you maintain such as Diigo or Delicious.

Technology Tools for Teaching and Learning

Once you skim through the list and check the sites, let us know which sites you use, would like to use, or would like to investigate further, and possibly why you selected these specific sites.


Beth said...

I think this is so helpful. It often takes a lot of time to find the right online tools that are just right for students to use.I will make sure to share this website with my fellow teachers

Christine said...

These are great! I already use KidBlogs with my students as well as Glogster. I use Google Docs, todaysmeet and Wordpress on my own personal projects. I love to see how these websites can be integrated into the classroom! The author of this article was tremendously helpful in organizing the layout, asking teachers exactly what it is they hope to accomplish with their classes. I am bookmarking this and plan on sharing this with my colleagues!

Jenn O. said...

It is so difficult to keep track of all the sites out there and what each one of them do. I know that there is diigo and I am still in the beginning stages of using it. This will be a great way for me to start organizing items so that I can better find them. Plus it is a great tool to share with my peers, especially those that are still technology shy. I have used some of these in my classroom such as kidblog, epals, and we are going to be using glogster this month. Wonderful tools to really engage students. I will have to check out more.

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