Saturday, June 11, 2011

Book a Day Almanac

If you teach elementary school or language arts at any grade level, or are just curious about the stories behind famous books, you will enjoy the Book-a-Day Almanac. Today, the feature was the story-behind the popular children's book, Curious George. Tomorrow, the site will post information about the Diary of Ann Frank. The site is maintained and updated daily by Anita Slivey, an editor at Horn Book, a well-known publishing house in the  field of children's literature. You can subscribe to Book-a- Day-Almanac through Twitter, Facebook, or through a subscription feed. Check out the site, and let us know what you think.

Both images from


Kelly said...

This is a really cool website. It is so interesting to get some historical information behind popular children's books. I think this website would be great to use in the classroom. It could be a way to get students engaged in a particular book if they know some of the historical context. After reading about Curious George I did not know that Hans and Margaret Rey were stuck in Paris during WWII. It was also interesting that the guard let them through because of the book. How differently their lives would be and ours if the guard was not impressed. This might capture students attention and make them want to open the book to see what is so great.

Janet said...

Wow, I love this website. I just love children's books anyway, and often wonder how authors come up with ideas, etc. I like how you can search for books by different categories, too. Even my five year old students love hearing about the background of books or about the authors. This is great! I can't wait to have a little more time to look into the site more thoroughly.

Melissa said...

I like this site because it's an excellent source to share with students to show them why many authors write and what went behind publishing a specific book. Often, this extra information gives them a different perspective when reading and sometimes they get a little more out of reading the book. I think I'll sign up for their facebook updates!

Chuck said...

Wow...I was actually thrown off by the actual website. I feel that this site provides information for all learners, not just younger children. I love reading and learning about the story "behind the story."

A lot of things are not always considered when picking up a book, especially one that came out before our time. With the "Anne of Green Gables," there was a lot of background information I never knew about. The author's risks with the payment option she chose was something I never considered. I am blindsided and just look at a book and don't know what work it took to get published.

The website provides readers to submit comments and also gives readers the opportunity to see the day's book, so that you will want to come back. Overall, I enjoy the site and it is a great idea to start reading books (if you never read these) or to reread them all over again!

RyanCleary said...
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RyanCleary said...

I know this sounds a bit repetitive at this point, but wow! This website is fantastic. As some people have said I really like the way the website presents the books as well as some background information about the stories. This is a great website to use in the classroom. I could see it as a really engaging center for students durng a language arts block.

I really enjoy seeing resources like these used in the classroom. There are a million elementary students (or maybe I just feel like they're all in my classroom) who would characterize reading in one word; BORING. A site like this makes those students do a total 180. There is so much for kids to take away from this site. It is visually stimulating and presents the opportunity to make lots of connections between texts because of all the information. This site would hold the attention of even the most reluctant readers. Drop by my classroom in the near future, you may see this site at work!

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