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Image from tgbarrett |
Here is a link to a Voicethread on poetry created using third graders'. Picture Writing. In this Voicethread, you will see children's pictures and poetry. Use the arrow key to advance through the presentation. On each slide, you can wait to hear the voices individually or you can click on the sidebars' images to jump around to hear or see others' comments.
You might consider uploading to Voicethread a PowerPoint you created or images you have and then using Voicethread's features to embellish your work. Think about how you can use Voicethread in your teaching. What ideas do you have now that you have viewed two Voicethreads?
The Browse feature on the Voicethread homepage will allow you to select other samples to check out. If you find ones you like, let us know and copy and paste the URL to share your findings with others.
Image URL on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kardon/2674272852/
1 comment:
I am embarrassed to admit that I have never even heard of Voicethread before reading this blog! I'm so excited to hear about a new great web tool I can learn about over the summer and implement with my kiddos next year. At first, after clicking on the biology teacher's explanation of blog using Voicethread, I was still really confused about what exactly it is. After clicking on the 3rd grade poetry example, I was able to grasp the basic features of Voicethread and began thinking about how I could use it in my teaching. (Yes, it took a 3rd grade piece of work to get the 3rd grade teacher to understand...) I had a little trouble browsing to find other elementary level examples on Voicethread, but I did find a simple one that would be a great way to introduce Voicethread to younger students and teach them how to use it. This Voicethread (http://voicethread.com/?#q) captures student voices explaining what book they are reading and why they like it, accompanied by an illustration, on National Reading Day. The first slide's sound is not working, but the rest work fine (and their little British accents are way cute)!
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