Sunday, June 12, 2011

Textbooks Versus Laptops: A Parody

Check this parody created by 7th graders in Erin Klein's class. Feel free to leave a comment after watching the video. Do you think the students did a good job of getting their point across? Was a video a good medium for conveying their message? Did watching this video give you ideas for videos you might have students in one of your classes create?

Also, feel free to leave a comment on Twitter for the teacher, Erin Klein, and consider following her on Twitter at 


Tim said...

I thought that this was a cute video. I thought the students conveyed their message regarding how much more useful tablets are in the classroom instead of textbooks. I liked how the student representing the tablets said that they were able to hold more than just one textbook, and that they get more up to date information for free.

The only topic that this youtube video lacked was that it never discussed the issue of cost. Like everything else tablets will cost many classrooms and schools a lot of money. But the same can be said about textbooks. I think that both textbooks and tablets have their strengths, so it is a judgement call for school distracts to see what they value more, textbooks or tablets.

Melissa said...

These students did an excellent job of discussing the differences between tablets and textbooks. I thought making a video was an appropriate medium because YouTube videos are current and constantly being updated just like tablets.

Replacing textbooks with tablets would be an efficent way to keep informfation current and students interested. What would make tablets ideal is if they had a highlighting feature (similar to Read Write Think Gold software) which would enable students to "highlight" the text then formulate a list in a word document. This was students should continue to use the text just as they would a traditional textbook.

Tami said...

The use of the PC vs Mac commerical format was a great idea. It's such a great way to compare things and actual feel like you understand what is being said.

The students did an amazing just. Both students had strong points about their side (textbook or tablet).

I do agree with Tim that cost does play an issue into most things now a days, but that was not the point of the presentation so I can understand why it wasn't addressed.

Jess said...

I also really liked the video. As Tami said, they modeled a current commercial structure to make their point. I disagree about integrating negative aspects of the tablet (cost) becuase the format was a commercial. It's trying to persuade viewers to bring tablets into the classroom.

Melissa, I also like your point about highlighting. This could be accomplished with diigo or similar software accessed on any tablet or PC.

Chuck said...

I enjoyed watching the video. It was a good parody of the Mac vs PC commercials that would make fun of PCs being behind the times. They even have cellphone commercials that do the same comparison.

I think the kids came up with some good arguments for the change to tablets. They advised how there would be no more heavy, outdated books and there would be tablets that would be able to replace numerous textbooks and allow students to communicate with other students.

As this was a parody and I agree with the pluses for tablets, I feel that to help the argument for tablets, we need to discuss funding and making sure all schools get them, not just "certain" districts. Once skills get the tablets, we need to ensure teachers will be utilizing them in the classroom as well.

Unknown said...

I love this video. It is another creative way to get students involved in the classroom. This seems like a current and ongoing debate so making this video with students accesses a current events angle. The points made by "tablet" were very good. Too often, textbooks do not have updated information/current events. Using a tablet eliminates this issue and truly allows accessibility to information anywhere there is wi-fi. Interactive project for students with valid points!

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